


Attività:dal 2004

Line up

  • Bastard: vocals, guitars
  • The Rev: bass, backing vocals
  • Rule: guitars, backing vocals
  • Roy: drums
KYU was founded in Arnhem, Holland. Their goal is to be harder, more brutal, meaner, but above all sicker than all the music they ever played before. After completing the line-up in 2004, KYU was born and the sickness started coming out.
KYU’s musical style is mostly described as Nu-Deathcore since it has elements of mathcore, death metal and hardcore in it, all drenched in plenty of groove. Their music is driven by disappointment, rage, hate and frustration, blended together by a healthy dose of violence. More plainly put: their music will rip the flesh from your bones.
Their debut album called ‘STTNNRMLLLFCKDP’ is recorded in Studio Harrow in Losser, and is recorded by master producer Marc ter Braak. It received positive reviews in the international press, including top ten positions in yearlists.
Currently KYU is working in the Black Gold Studios on "SVRGN". It is due to release in May 2010. Touring will start from that same date.


Copertina SV
Sttnnrmlllfckdp - Promo (Bukkake Records / 2009) 

1. HRTBT / 2. RSFST / 3. P

Sttnnrmlllfckdp (Bukkake Records / 2009) 

1. NWBGN / 2. BLDLST / 3. HRTBT / 4. SLTHYRTHRT / 5. NMBRNN / 6. RSFST / 7. SNGFHT / 8. DRGD / 9. P


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