Montaña Sagrada



Attività:dal 2019

Line up

  • Ramon Pasternak: guitar, vocals
  • Rodrigo Morris: guitar
  • Vincent Zbinden: drums
Montaña Sagrada is the new project of well known musicians in the Chilean metal scene. Conformed by Rodrigo Morris, ex-Mar de Grises, composer and producer, Ramón Pasternak, ex-All Tomorrows, guitarist and composer and Vincent Zbinden, ex-Entrospect, Mourning Sun and acknowledged drummer, all with broad experience in concerts and international touring, with participations not only in the extreme metal genre, but also in experimental, classical and popular music in general.
This trío assembled to present a new aesthetic, combining ideas from the original mysticism of the southern lands of Chile. History and mythology are mixed with political scenarios that are still present in their national reality. Under multiple points of view and speaking from different voices, this music is born, with no need to defend any previous aesthetic trend and defying the listener both musically and visually, filled with colors and emotions, always mysterious and full of questions.
The band is founded in 2019, year in which the artistic investigation and conceptualization of ideas is realized. Inspiration came from what was known as "Recta Provincia" an actual association of sorcerers (shamans) that had the mission of fighting the cultural conquest of their people through magic and the terror that they could provoke in their enemies ranks, the spanish conquerors. Furthermore, within this organization, different powers began to transform and the desire of control turned into a dark currency serving personal interests over the general well-being. Chile, at the end of 2019 is passing through a social crisis, a transformation , in which all of these selfish tendencies are found on both sides, showing the same structures of powers present in our mythology.
In 2020, the band release their debut Ep called “The Living Green'' in a world passing through a global pandemic which put the Chilean revolution on hold, has put the political class in jeopardy and put into question all the current social ideologies.


Copertina 6,5
The Living Green (2020) 



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