Batushka (2)



Attività:dal 2018

Line up

  • Христофор. everything
In December 2018, both Христофор and Варфоломей claimed they kicked the other one out of Batushka and are continuing the band separately.
For now, there are two versions of the band: Христофор's Батюшка and Варфоломей's Batushka.


Copertina 7,5
Панихида (Indipendent / 2019) 

1. ПЕСНЬ 1 / 2. ПЕСНЬ 2 / 3. ПЕСНЬ 3 / 4. ПЕСНЬ 4 / 5. ПЕСНЬ 5 / 6. ПЕСНЬ 6 / 7. ПЕСНЬ 7 / 8. ПЕСНЬ 8


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